Industrial Training

Kotlin Throw Keyword

Kotlin throw keyword is used to throw an explicit exception. It is used to throw a custom exception.
To throw an exception object we will use the throw-expression.

Syntax of throw keyword

throw SomeException()  
throw SomeException()  

Kotlin throw example

Let's see an example of throw keyword in which we are validating age limit for driving license.

fun main(args: Array< String>) {  
    println("code after validation check...")  
fun validate(age: Int) {  
    if (age < 18)  
        throw ArithmeticException("under age")  
        println("eligible for drive")  
fun main(args: Array< String>) {  
    println("code after validation check...")  
fun validate(age: Int) {  
    if (age < 18)  
        throw ArithmeticException("under age")  
        println("eligible for drive")  

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArithmeticException: under age

Hi I am Pluto.