Industrial Training

Environment Setup (IDE)

Install JDK and Setup JDK path

Since, Kotlin runs on JVM, it is necessary to install JDK and setup the JDK and JRE path in local system environment variable. Use this link to setup JDK path.

Install IDE for Kotlin

There are various Java IDE available which supports Kotlin project development. We can choose these IDE according to our compatibility. The download links of these IDE's are given below.

IDE Name Download links
IntelliJ IDEA
Android Studio

In this tutorial, we are going to use IntelliJ IDEA for our Kotlin program development.

Steps to Setup IntelliJ IDEA

1. Download IntelliJ IDEA.

2. Run the downloaded setup.

3. Click next to continue.

4. Choose installation location.

5. Choose start menu folder and click Install.

6. Click Finish to complete Installation.

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