Industrial Training

Kotlin Hello World Program in Command line.

To write Kotlin program, we can use any text editor like: Notepad++. Put the following code into any text file and save.

fun main(args: Array< String>){  
    println("Hello World!")  
fun main(args: Array< String>){  
    println("Hello World!")  

Save the file with name hello.kt, .kt extension is used for Kotlin file.

Compile Kotlin File

Open command prompt and go to directory location where file is stored. Compile hello.kt file with following command.

kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar  
kotlinc hello.kt -include-runtime -d hello.jar

Run Kotlin File

To run the Kotlin .jar (hello.jar) file run the following command.

java -jar hello.jar  
java -jar hello.jar  

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