Theoretical Paper
- Computer Organization
- Data Structure
- Digital Electronics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Database Management System
- Operation Research
- Computer Networking
- Image Processing
- Internet Technologies
- Micro Processor
- E-Commerce & ERP
Practical Paper
Industrial Training

- Pointersandstrings
- Bit Arrays
- Bresenham's Circle Drawing Algorithm
- Building Mouse Cursors
- Pointers
- Calculating Determinant
- set the number of characters actually read - excluding carriage return
- DOSkey Imitated
- E2PROM Interfacing With A PC
- Fractals Tree
- mca-hardware-interaction-through-C
- Intoduction to JPEG
- JPEG File Layout and Format 2
- Linked Lists 2
- Linked Lists 4
- Maintaining A Linked List
- LPT Port Interaction
- Pointers And Functions
- Pointers And Strings
- Infix To Prefix Conversion
- Circular Queue Implementation
- Quick Sort
- Stacks
- Taking Apart The Partition Table
- TSR To Write-Protect The Hard Disk
- A TSR Clock
- Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm
- Bresenham's Line Drawing Algorithm-2
- Building Mouse Cursors 2
- Pointers 2
- Chasing The Bugs
- scrollup
- Fractals and Nature
- GIF File Format
- How A TSR Works
- JPEG File Layout and Format
- Linked Lists
- Linked Lists 3
- Linked List Using Recursion
- Loading Installable Fonts
- Pointers and arrays
- Pointers And Multidimensional Array
- Pointers And Structures
- Postfix To Prefix Conversion
- Queues
- Reading Boot Parameters
- Serial Port Communication
- Sub tleties of type def
- The First TSR
- Viruses Like Activities