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Shooting Method
C Program
Shooting method is a famous method for numerical solution of second order differential equation when boundary condition is known. In this tutorial, we’re going to write a program for Shooting method in C with sample output and working procedure of the method. Shooting method converts the given boundary value problem into initial value problem and solves the problem by using Runge Kutt-4 method.
The working procedure of C program for shooting method is given below:
- As the user executes the program, it asks for boundary values i.e. initial value of x (x0), initial value of y (y0), final value of x (xn), final value of y (yn) and the value of increment (h).
- The second step of calculation is to convert this boundary value problem into initial value problem.
- After the conversion into initial value problem, the user has to input the initial guess value of z (M1) which is known as shooting.
- Using this guess value of z, the program calculates intermediate values of z & y are calculated. The final value of y obtained is assigned as B1 in the source code.
- Again, the user has to shoot i.e. the shooting method program asks second initial guess value of z (M2).
- Using M2, new values of y and z are calculated. The final value of y obtained in second guess is assigned as B2 in the program.
- (M1, B1), (M2, B2), and ( y0, z0 ) are assumed to be collinear in this C program and value of z0 determined using following equation,
(B2-B1)/(M2-M1) = (z0-B2)/(y0-M2) - Using this new and exact value of z, intermediate values are calculated using Runge Kuttta Method.
- Finally, the program prints the result upto 6 decimal places.
Source Code for Shooting Method in C:
#include< stdio.h> #include< math.h> #include< stdlib.h> float f1(float x,float y,float z) { return(z); } float f2(float x,float y,float z) { return(x+y); } float shoot(float x0,float y0,float z0,float xn,float h,int p) { float x,y,z,k1,k2,k3,k4,l1,l2,l3,l4,k,l,x1,y1,z1; x=x0; y=y0; z=z0; do { k1=h*f1(x,y,z); l1=h*f2(x,y,z); k2=h*f1(x+h/2.0,y+k1/2.0,z+l1/2.0); l2=h*f2(x+h/2.0,y+k1/2.0,z+l1/2.0); k3=h*f1(x+h/2.0,y+k2/2.0,z+l2/2.0); l3=h*f2(x+h/2.0,y+k2/2.0,z+l2/2.0); k4=h*f1(x+h,y+k3,z+l3); l4=h*f2(x+h,y+k3,z+l3); l=1/6.0*(l1+2*l2+2*l3+l4); k=1/6.0*(k1+2*k2+2*k3+k4); y1=y+k; x1=x+h; z1=z+l; x=x1; y=y1; z=z1; if(p==1) { printf("\n%f\t%f",x,y); } }while(x< xn); return(y); } main() { float x0,y0,h,xn,yn,z0,m1,m2,m3,b,b1,b2,b3,e; int p=0; printf("\n Enter x0,y0,xn,yn,h:"); scanf("%f%f%f%f%f",&x0,&y0,&xn,&yn,&h); printf("\n Enter the trial M1:"); scanf("%f",&m1); b=yn; z0=m1; b1=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=1); printf("\nB1 is %f",b1); if(fabs(b1-b)< 0.00005) { printf("\n The value of x and respective z are:\n"); e=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=1); return(0); } else { printf("\nEnter the value of M2:"); scanf("%f",&m2); z0=m2; b2=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=1); printf("\nB2 is %f",b2); } if(fabs(b2-b)< 0.00005) { printf("\n The value of x and respective z are\n"); e= shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=1); return(0); } else { printf("\nM2=%f\tM1=%f",m2,m1); m3=m2+(((m2-m1)*(b-b2))/(1.0*(b2-b1))); if(b1-b2==0) exit(0); printf("\nExact value of M =%f",m3); z0=m3; b3=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=0); } if(fabs(b3-b)< 0.000005) { printf("\nThere is solution :\n"); e=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=1); exit(0); } do { m1=m2; m2=m3; b1=b2; b2=b3; m3=m2+(((m2-m1)*(b-b2))/(1.0*(b2-b1))); z0=m3; b3=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=0); }while(fabs(b3-b)< 0.0005); z0=m3; e=shoot(x0,y0,z0,xn,h,p=1); }

The aforementioned C source code for shooting method is a very useful program for solving the second order differential equation when the problem has the nature of boundary value problem. The coding is a bit long, but it is simple to understand with the use of few functions for respective purposes.