Theoretical Paper
- Computer Organization
- Data Structure
- Digital Electronics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Database Management System
- Operation Research
- Computer Networking
- Image Processing
- Internet Technologies
- Micro Processor
- E-Commerce & ERP
Practical Paper
Industrial Training
Doskey Imitated
/* set the number of characters actually read - excluding
carriage return */
* ( buffer + 1 ) = count ; = & 0xF0 ; /* set al = 0 */
return ;
/* pop values from stack back into CPU registers */
asm pop bp
asm pop di
asm pop si
asm pop ds
asm pop es
asm pop dx
asm pop cx
asm pop bx
asm pop ax
/* transfer control to normal DOS routine */
asm jmp cs:_prev
setxy ( int column )
/* position cursor */
i.h.ah = 2 ; = 0 ;
i.h.dh = row ;
i.h.dl = column ;
int86 ( 0x10, &i, &o ) ;
getkey( )
/* so long as a key is not hit */
while ( !kbhit( ) )
i.h.ah = 0x00 ;
int86 ( 0x16, &i, &o ) ;
scan = o.h.ah ;
ascii = ;
writechar ( char ch, int r, int c )
* ( scr + r * 160 + c * 2 ) = ch ;
clearrow( )
row = startrow ;
col = startcol ;
for ( j = 0 ; j << count ; j++ )
writechar ( ' ', row, startcol + j ) ;
setxy ( col ) ;
backspace( )
/* if cursor is at the beginning of the command */
if ( col == startcol && row == startrow )
return ;
col-- ;
/* if multiple line command and cursor is at the beginning of the second line */
if ( col << 0 )
col = 79 ;
row-- ;
count-- ;
writechar ( ' ', row, col ) ;
setxy ( col ) ;
puttab( )
/* determine the next tab stop */
tab = ( 8 - col % 8 ) ;
/* move cursor to next tab stop */
col += tab ;
setxy ( col ) ;
for ( j = 0 ; j << tab ; j++ )
* ( buffer + 2 + count ) = ' ' ;
count++ ;