Industrial Training

ML - Clustering K-Means Algorithm

Introduction to K-Means Algorithm

K-means clustering algorithm computes the centroids and iterates until we it finds optimal centroid. It assumes that the number of clusters are already known. It is also called flat clustering algorithm. The number of clusters identified from data by algorithm is represented by ‘K’ in K-means.

In this algorithm, the data points are assigned to a cluster in such a manner that the sum of the squared distance between the data points and centroid would be minimum. It is to be understood that less variation within the clusters will lead to more similar data points within same cluster.

Working of K-Means Algorithm

We can understand the working of K-Means clustering algorithm with the help of following steps −

Step 1 − First, we need to specify the number of clusters, K, need to be generated by this algorithm.

Step 2 − Next, randomly select K data points and assign each data point to a cluster. In simple words, classify the data based on the number of data points.

Step 3 − Now it will compute the cluster centroids.

Step 4 − Next, keep iterating the following until we find optimal centroid which is the assignment of data points to the clusters that are not changing any more

  • 4.1 − First, the sum of squared distance between data points and centroids would be computed.
  • 4.2 − Now, we have to assign each data point to the cluster that is closer than other cluster (centroid).
  • 4.3 − At last compute the centroids for the clusters by taking the average of all data points of that cluster.

K-means follows Expectation-Maximization approach to solve the problem. The Expectation-step is used for assigning the data points to the closest cluster and the Maximization-step is used for computing the centroid of each cluster.

While working with K-means algorithm we need to take care of the following things −

  • While working with clustering algorithms including K-Means, it is recommended to standardize the data because such algorithms use distance-based measurement to determine the similarity between data points.
  • Due to the iterative nature of K-Means and random initialization of centroids, K-Means may stick in a local optimum and may not converge to global optimum. That is why it is recommended to use different initializations of centroids.

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