Industrial Training

Arduino - Time

Arduino provides four different time manipulation functions. They are −

S.NO. Function & Description
1 delay () function
The way the delay() function works is pretty simple. It accepts a single integer (or number) argument. This number represents the time (measured in milliseconds).
2 delayMicroseconds () function
The delayMicroseconds() function accepts a single integer (or number) argument. There are a thousand microseconds in a millisecond, and a million microseconds in a second.
3 millis () function
This function is used to return the number of milliseconds at the time, the Arduino board begins running the current program.
4 micros () function
The micros() function returns the number of microseconds from the time, the Arduino board begins running the current program. This number overflows i.e. goes back to zero after approximately 70 minutes.

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