Industrial Training

Addressing Modes

Addressing modes are the ways how architectures specify the address of an object they want to access. In GPR machines, an addressing mode can specify a constant, a register or a location in memory.

the most common names for addressing modes (names may differ among architectures)
addressing modes example instruction meaning when used
register add r4,r3 r4 <- r4 + r3 when a value is in a register
immediate add r4, #3 r4 <- r4 + 3 for constants
displacement add r4, 100(r1) r4 <- r4 + m[100+r1] accessing local variables
register deffered add r4,(r1) r4 <- r4 + m[r1] accessing using a pointer or a computed address
indexed add r3, (r1 + r2) r3 <- r3 + m[r1+r2] useful in array addressing:
r1 - base of array
r2 - index amount
direct add r1, (1001) r1 <- r1 + m[1001] useful in accessing static data
memory deferred add r1, @(r3) r1 <- r1 + m[m[r3]] if r3 is the address of a pointer p, then mode yields *p
add r1, (r2)+ r1 <- r1 +m[r2]
r2 <- r2 + d
useful for stepping through arrays in a loop.
r2 - start of array
d - size of an element
add r1,-(r2) r2 <-r2-d
r1 <- r1 + m[r2]
same as autoincrement.
both can also be used to implement a stack as push and pop 
scaled add r1, 100(r2)[r3] r1<-r1+m[100+r2+r3*d] used to index arrays. may be applied to any base addressing mode in some machines.
<-  - assignment
m   - the name for memory:
m[r1] refers to contents of memory location whose address is given by the contents of r1

immediate and displacement addressing modes dominate addressing mode usage. the major question for displacement-style addressing mode is that of the range of displacement used. choosing the displacement field size is important because it directly affects instruction length. according to measurements taken on the data access on a gpr architecture using spec benchmarks displacement values are widely distributed.

another important instruction set measurement is the range of values for immediates . small immediate values are used most heavily. however, large immediates are sometimes used, most likely in address calculations.

encoding of addressing modes

how the addressing modes of operands are encoded depends on
the range of addressing modes
the degree of independence between opcodes and modes for small number of addressing modes or opcode/addressing mode combinations, the addressing mode can be encoded in opcode.
for a larger number of combinations, typically a separate address specifier is needed for each operand.
the architect has to balance several competing forces when encoding the instruction set:
the desire to have as many registers and addressing modes as possible.
the impact of the size of the register and addressing mode fields on the average instruction size and hence on the average program size.
a desire to have instructions encode into lengths that are easy to handle in the implementation (multiples of bytes, fixed-length) with possible sacrificing in average code size.

The term addressing modes refers to the way in which the operand of an instruction is specified. Information contained in the instruction code is the value of the operand or the address of the result/operand. Following are the main addressing modes that are used on various platforms and architectures.


1) Immediate Mode

The operand is an immediate value is stored explicitly in the instruction:

Example: SPIM ( opcode dest, source)

li $11, 3 // loads the immediate value of 3 into register $11

li $9, 8 // loads the immediate value of 8 into register $9

Example : (textbook uses instructions type like, opcode source, dest)

move #200, R0; // move immediate value 200 in register R0


2) Index Mode

The address of the operand is obtained by adding to the contents of the general register (called index register) a constant value. The number of the index register and the constant value are included in the instruction code. Index Mode is used to access an array whose elements are in successive memory locations. The content of the instruction code, represents the starting address of the array and the value of the index register, and the index value of the current element. By incrementing or decrementing index register different element of the array can be accessed.

Example: SPIM/SAL - Accessing Arrays

array1: .byte 1,2,3,4,5,6
move $3, $0 		# $3 initialize index register with 0
add $3, $3,4 		# compute the index value of the fifth element
sb $0, array1($3) 	# array1[4]=0
			# store byte 0 in the fifth element of the array
			# index addressing mode

3) Indirect Mode

The effective address of the operand is the contents of a register or main memory location, location whose address appears in the instruction. Indirection is noted by placing the name of the register or the memory address given in the instruction in parentheses. The register or memory location that contains the address of the operand is a pointer. When an execution takes place in such mode, instruction may be told to go to a specific address. Once it's there, instead of finding an operand, it finds an address where the operand is located.


Two memory accesses are required in order to obtain the value of the operand (fetch operand address and fetch operand value).

Example: (textbook) ADD (A), R0

(address A is embedded in the instruction code and (A) is the operand address = pointer variable)

Example: SPIM - simulating pointers and indirect register addressing

The following "C" code:

int *alpha=0x00002004, q=5;
*alpha = q;

could be translated into the following assembly code:

alpha: .word 0x00002004 # alpha is and address variable # address value is 0x00002004
q: .word 5
lw $10,q 	# load word value from address q in into $10
		# $10 is 5
lw $11,alpha 	# $11 gets the value 0x0002004
		# this is similar with a load immediate address value
sw $10,($11) 	# store value from register $10 at memory location
		# whose address is given by the contents of register $11
		# (store 5 at address 0x00002004)

Example: SPIM/SAL - - array pointers and indirect register addressing

array1: .byte 1,2,3,4,5,6
la $3, array1 	# array1 is direct addressing mode
add $3, $3,4 	# compute the address of the fifth element
sb $0, ($3) 	# array1[4]=0 , byte accessing
		# indirect addressing mode


4) Absolute (Direct) Mode

The address of the operand is embedded in the instruction code.

Example: (SPIM)

beta: .word 2000

lw $11, beta 	# load word (32 -bit quantity) at address beta into register $11
		# address of the word is embedded in the instruction code
		# (register $11 will receive value 2000)

5) Register Mode

The name (the number) of the CPU register is embedded in the instruction. The register contains the value of the operand. The number of bits used to specify the register depends on the total number of registers from the processor set.

Example (SPIM)

add $14,$14,$13     # add contents of register $13 plus contents of 
		    # register $14 and save the result in register $14

No memory access is required for the operand specified in register mode.

6) Displacement Mode

Similar to index mode, except instead of a index register a base register will be used. Base register contains a pointer to a memory location. An integer (constant) is also referred to as a displacement. The address of the operand is obtained by adding the contents of the base register plus the constant. The difference between index mode and displacement mode is in the number of bits used to represent the constant. When the constant is represented a number of bits to access the memory, then we have index mode. Index mode is more appropriate for array accessing; displacement mode is more appropriate for structure (records) accessing.

Example: SPIM/SAL - Accessing fields in structures

student: .word 10000 #field code
.ascii "Smith" #field name
.byte # field test
.byte 80,80,90,100 # fields hw1,hw2,hw3,hw4
la $3, student 	# load address of the structure in $3
		# $3 base register
add $17,$0,90 	# value 90 in register $17
		# displacement of field "test" is 9 bytes
sb $17, 9($3) 	# store contents of register $17 in field "test"
		# displacement addressing mode

7) Autoincrement /Autodecrement Mode

A special case of indirect register mode. The register whose number is included in the instruction code, contains the address of the operand. Autoincrement Mode = after operand addressing , the contents of the register is incremented. Decrement Mode = before operand addressing, the contents of the register is decrement.

Example: SPIM/SAL - - simulating autoincrement/autodecrement addressing mode

(MIPS has no autoincrement/autodecrement mode)

lw $3, array1($17) 	#load in reg. $3 word at address array1($17)
addi $17,$17,4 		#increment address (32-bit words) after accessing
		 	   #operand this can be re-written in a "autoincrement like mode":
lw+ $3,array1($17) 	   # lw+ is not a real MIPS instruction
subi $17,$17,4 		   # decrement address before accessing the operand
lw $3,array1($17)

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