Industrial Training

Program implements linked list as a stack

/* Program implements linked list as a stack. */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <alloc.h>

/* structure containing data part and linkpart */
struct node
int data ;
struct node *link ;
} ;

void push ( struct node **, int ) ;
int pop ( struct node ** ) ;
void delstack ( struct node ** ) ;

void main( )
struct node *s = NULL ;
int i ;

clrscr( ) ;

push ( &s, 14 ) ;
push ( &s, -3 ) ;
push ( &s, 18 ) ;
push ( &s, 29 ) ;
push ( &s, 31 ) ;
push ( &s, 16 ) ;

i = pop ( &s ) ;
printf ( "\nItem popped: %d", i ) ;

i = pop ( &s ) ;
printf ( "\nItem popped: %d", i ) ;

i = pop ( &s ) ;
printf ( "\nItem popped: %d", i ) ;

delstack ( &s ) ;

getch( ) ;

/* adds a new node to the stack as linked list */
void push ( struct node **top, int item )
struct node *temp ;
temp = ( struct node * ) malloc ( sizeof ( struct node ) ) ;

if ( temp == NULL )
printf ( "\nStack is full." ) ;

temp -> data = item ;
temp -> link = *top ;
*top = temp ;

/* pops an element from the stack */
int pop ( struct node **top )
struct node *temp ;
int item ;

if ( *top == NULL )
printf ( "\nStack is empty." ) ;
return NULL ;

temp = *top ;
item = temp -> data ;
*top = ( *top ) -> link ;

free ( temp ) ;
return item ;

/* deallocates memory */
void delstack ( struct node **top )
struct node *temp ;

if ( *top == NULL )
return ;

while ( *top != NULL )
temp = *top ;
*top = ( *top ) -> link ;
free ( temp ) ;

Hi I am Pluto.