Theoretical Paper
- Computer Organization
- Data Structure
- Digital Electronics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Database Management System
- Operation Research
- Computer Networking
- Image Processing
- Internet Technologies
- Micro Processor
- E-Commerce & ERP
- Dart Programming
Practical Paper
Industrial Training
Dart Programming - Enumeration
An enumeration is used for defining named constant values. An enumerated type is declared using the enum keyword.
enum enum_name { enumeration list }
- The enum_name specifies the enumeration type name
- The enumeration list is a comma-separated list of identifiers
Each of the symbols in the enumeration list stands for an integer value, one greater than the symbol that precedes it. By default, the value of the first enumeration symbol is 0.
For example
enum Status { none, running, stopped, paused }
enum Status { none, running, stopped, paused } void main() { print(Status.values); Status.values.forEach((v) => print('value: $v, index: ${v.index}')); print('running: ${Status.running}, ${Status.running.index}'); print('running index: ${Status.values[1]}'); }
It will produce the following output −
[Status.none, Status.running, Status.stopped, Status.paused] value: Status.none, index: 0 value: Status.running, index: 1 value: Status.stopped, index: 2 value: Status.paused, index: 3 running: Status.running, 1 running index: Status.running