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Dart Programming - Collection

Dart, unlike other programming languages, doesn’t support arrays. Dart collections can be used to replicate data structures like an array. The dart:core library and other classes enable Collection support in Dart scripts.

Dart collections can be basically classified as −

Sr.No Dart collection & Description

A List is simply an ordered group of objects. The dart:core library provides the List class that enables creation and manipulation of lists.

  • Fixed Length List − The list’s length cannot change at run-time.
  • Growable List − The list’s length can change at run-time.

Set represents a collection of objects in which each object can occur only once. The dart:core library provides the Set class to implement the same.


The Map object is a simple key/value pair. Keys and values in a map may be of any type. A Map is a dynamic collection. In other words, Maps can grow and shrink at runtime. The Map class in the dart:core library provides support for the same.


A Queue is a collection that can be manipulated at both ends. Queues are useful when you want to build a first-in, first-out collection. Simply put, a queue inserts data from one end and deletes from another end. The values are removed / read in the order of their insertion.

Iterating Collections

The Iterator class from the dart:core library enables easy collection traversal. Every collection has an iterator property. This property returns an iterator that points to the objects in the collection.


The following example illustrates traversing a collection using an iterator object.

import 'dart:collection'; 
void main() { 
   Queue numQ = new Queue(); 
   Iterator i= numQ.iterator; 
   while(i.moveNext()) { 

The moveNext() function returns a Boolean value indicating whether there is a subsequent entry. The current property of the iterator object returns the value of the object that the iterator currently points to.

It should produce the following output


Hi I am Pluto.