Industrial Training

Flutter - Deployment

This chapter explains how to deploy Flutter application in both Android and iOS platforms.

Android Application

Change the application name using android:label entry in android manifest file. Android app manifest file, AndroidManifest.xml is located in < app dir>/android/app/src/main. It contains entire details about an android application. We can set the application name using android:label entry.

Change launcher icon using android:icon entry in manifest file.

Sign the app using standard option as necessary.

Enable Proguard and Obfuscation using standard option, if necessary.

Create a release APK file by running below command −

cd /path/to/my/application 
flutter build apk

You can see an output as shown below −

Initializing gradle...                                            8.6s 
Resolving dependencies...                                        19.9s 
Calling mockable JAR artifact transform to create file: 
c30932f130afbf3fd90c131ef9069a0b/android.jar with input 
Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 
Running Gradle task 'assembleRelease'... 
Done                                                             85.7s 
Built build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk (4.8MB).

Install the APK on a device using the following command −

flutter install

Publish the application into Google Playstore by creating an appbundle and push it into playstore using standard methods.

flutter build appbundle

iOS Application

Register the iOS application in App Store Connect using standard method. Save the =Bundle ID used while registering the application.
Update Display name in the XCode project setting to set the application name.
Update Bundle Identifier in the XCode project setting to set the bundle id, which we used in step 1.
Code sign as necessary using standard method.
Add a new app icon as necessary using standard method.
Generate IPA file using the following command −

flutter build ios

Now, you can see the following output −

Building com.example.MyApp for device (ios-release)... 
Automatically signing iOS for device deployment 
using specified development team in Xcode project: 
Running Xcode build...                                   23.5s 

Test the application by pushing the application, IPA file into TestFlight using standard method.
Finally, push the application into App Store using standard method.

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