Theoretical Paper
- Computer Organization
- Data Structure
- Digital Electronics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Database Management System
- Operation Research
- Computer Networking
- Image Processing
- Internet Technologies
- Micro Processor
- E-Commerce & ERP
Practical Paper
Industrial Training
PHP Switch
The switch statement is used to perform different actions based on different conditions.
The PHP switch Statement
Use the switch statement to select one of many blocks of code to be executed.
switch (n) { case label1: code to be executed if n=label1; break; case label2: code to be executed if n=label2; break; case label3: code to be executed if n=label3; break; ... default: code to be executed if n is different from all labels; }
This is how it works: First we have a single expression n (most often a variable), that is evaluated once. The value of the expression is then compared with the values for each case in the structure. If there is a match, the block of code associated with that case is executed. Use break to prevent the code from running into the next case automatically. The default statement is used if no match is found.
< ?php class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> $favcolor = class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown">"red"; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">switch ($favcolor)class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> { class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">case class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown">"red": class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">echo class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown">"Your favorite color is red!"; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">break; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">case class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown">"blue": class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">echo class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown">"Your favorite color is blue!"; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">break; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">case class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown">"green": class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">echo class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown"> "Your favorite color is green!"; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">break; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">default: class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phpkeywordcolor" style="color:mediumblue">echo class="phpstringcolor" style="color:brown"> "Your favorite color is neither red, blue, nor green!"; class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> } class="phpnumbercolor" style="color:red"> class="phptagcolor" style="color:red">?>