Industrial Training

mca Syllabus

Code: PGCS292
Weekly Contact Hour: 3P
Credit: 2

1. Creating, altering and dropping tables with integrity constraints.
2. Retrieving and modifying data from a database
3. Retrieving data from database using IN, BETWEEN, LIKE, ORDER BY, GROUP BY and HAVING clause.
4.Use of scalar and aggregate functions.
5.Retrieving data from a database using Equi , Non Equi , Outer and Self Join.
6.Using sub queries, rowid and rownum for retrieving data.
7. Use of views, indexes and sequences.
8. Introduction to PL/SQL, using output from server.
9. Use of implicit & explicit cursors in data handling.
10. Exception handling – Oracle defined and User defined.
11. Use of stored procedures & functions in data manipulation.
12. Use of trigger in data manipulation.

Hi I am Pluto.