Industrial Training

mca Syllabus

Operating Systems and Systems Software
Code: MCA301

Importance of OS, Basic concepts and terminology, types of OS, different views, journey
of a command execution, design and implementation of OS

Process: Concept and views, OS view of processes, OS services for process management,
scheduling algorithms, performance evaluation; Interprocess communication and synchronisation, mutual exclusion, semaphores, hardware support for mutual exclusion, queuing implementation of semaphores, classical problem of concurrent programming, critical region and conditional critical region, monitors, messages, deadlocks.

Resource manager, file management, processor management, device management, Memory management – paging, swapping, page replacement algorithm, design issues for
paging system, segmentation, Scheduling algorithm and performance evaluation

Security and protection, policies and mechanism, authentication, protection and access
control, formal models of protection, cryptography, worms and viruses.

In-process communication & synchronisation, File systems, security and protection mechanism, Input/output systems, processes and processors in distributed system Performance measurement, monitoring and evaluation

Multiprocessor system, classification and types, OS functions and requirements, introduction to parallel computing, multiprocessor interconnection synchronisation. Distributes OS - rationales, algorithms for distributed processing.

Introduction to compilers, Assemblers, loaders & linkers, Introduction to OS, OS services
and kernel, Multiprogramming and time sharing, Processor scheduling

Performance measurement and monitoring – measures, evaluation techniques, bottlenecks and saturation, feedback loops.
Introduction to Unix OS

1. Operating Systems, Galvin & Silverschatz, John Wiley
1.Operating Systems, Milenkovic, TMH
2.Modern Operating System, 2nd Ed, Tannenbaum, PHI
3.Systems Programming & Operating Systems, Dhamdhere, TMH
4. Systems Programming, Donovan, TMH
5.Guide to Operating Systems, Palmer,VIKAS
6.Operating Systems,Prasad,Scitech
7.Operating System ,P.Bhatt, PHI

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