Industrial Training

mca Syllabus

Object-Oriented Programming With C++
Code: MCA205
Basics of Object Oriented programming and software design
C++ object-oriented programming, C++ & ANSI standard C, Predefined classes in C++
Building objects with classes, Defining operations on objects, Using Inheritance in C++,
Virtual functions and Polymorphism
Function overloading, Operator Overloading
Constructor, Constructor overloading, Destructor, Friend Function.
Overview of File Handling,streams
Advanced Topics in C++ - Overview of Template (Class & Functions).
Exception Handling.

1. Object-Oriented Programming With C++, Balagurusamy, TMH
2.Object Oriented Programming & C++,R.Rajaram,New Age International
3.C++ The Complete Reference, Schildt, 4th Ed, TMH
4.Programming in C++, Shah & Thaker, ISTE/EXCEL
5.Beginning C++, The Complete Language, Horton,SPD/WROX
6. Object-Oriented Programming With C++, Suburaj, VIKAS
7. Object-Oriented Programming With C++ & JAVA, Samanta, PHI
8.Object-Oriented Programming With C++, N.R Parsa, Wiley Dreamtech
9.Programming with C++, Radhaganesan, Scitech
10.Projects using C++, Varalaxmi, Scitech
11.Object Oriented modelling & Design, RumBaugh, PHI
12.Revolutionary Guide to Object Oriented Programming Using C++, Olshevsky,

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