Theoretical Paper
- Computer Organization
- Data Structure
- Digital Electronics
- Object Oriented Programming
- Discrete Mathematics
- Graph Theory
- Operating Systems
- Software Engineering
- Computer Graphics
- Database Management System
- Operation Research
- Computer Networking
- Image Processing
- Internet Technologies
- Micro Processor
- E-Commerce & ERP
- Numerical Methods Tutorial
Practical Paper
- C Programming
- C
- Data Structure Using C, C ++
- Programming in R
- Programming with Python
- Machine Learning
- Swift
- Firebase
- Android
- iOS Development
- Django
- Arduino
- Internet of Technology
- IOT Projects
- Dart Programming
- Flutter
- Flutter Tutorials
- Kotlin Tutorial
- Laravel Tutorial
- VueJS Tutorial
- Go Lang
- Rust
- Apex
Industrial Training
mca SyllabusMathematics Note 1: The whole syllabus has been divided into five modules. Module I Matrix: Determinant of a square matrix, Minors and Cofactors, Laplace’s method of expansion of a determinant, Product of two determinants, Adjoint of a determinant, Jacobi’s theorem on adjoint determinant. Singular and non-singular matrices, Adjoint of a matrix, Inverse of a non-singular matrix and its properties, orthogonal matrix and its properties, Trace of a matrix. Rank of a matrix and its determination using elementary row and column operations, Solution of simultaneous linear equations by matrix inversion method, Consistency and inconsistency of a system of homogeneous and inhomogeneous linear simultaneous equations, Eigen values and eigen vectors of a square matrix (of order 2 or 3), Eigen values of APTP, kA, AP-1P, Caley-Hamilton theorem and its Module II Successive differentiation: Higher order derivatives of a function of single variable, Leibnitz’s theorem Mean Value Theorems & Expansion of Functions: Rolle’s theorem and its application, Mean Value theorems – Lagrange & Cauchy and their application, Taylor’s theorem with Lagrange’s and Cauchy’s form of remainders and its application, Expansions of functions by Taylor’s and Maclaurin’s theorem, Maclaurin’s infinite series expansion of the functions: Reduction formula: Reduction formulae both for indefinite and definite integrals of types
Module III Calculus of Functions of Several Variables: Introduction to functions of several variables with examples, Knowledge of limit and continuity, Partial derivatives and related problems, Homogeneous functions and Euler’s theorem and related problems up to three variables, Chain rules, Differentiation of implicit functions, Total differentials and their related problems, Jacobians up to three variables and related problems, Maxima, minima and saddle points of functions and related problems, Concept of line integrals, Module IV Infinite Series: Preliminary ideas of sequence, Infinite series and their convergence/divergence, Infinite series of positive terms, Tests for convergence: Comparison test, Cauchy’s Root test, D’ Alembert’s Ratio test and Raabe’s test (statements and related problems on these tests), Alternating series, Leibnitz’s Test (statement, definition) illustrated by simple example, Absolute convergence and Conditional convergence. 5L Module-V Vector Algebra and Vector Calculus: Scalar and vector fields – definition and terminologies, dot and cross products, scalar and vector triple products and related problems, Equation of straight line, plane and sphere, Vector function of a scalar variable, Differentiation of a vector function, Scalar and vector point functions, Gradient of a scalar point function, divergence and curl of a vector point function, Directional derivative. Related problems on these topics. Green’s theorem, Gauss Divergence Theorem and Stoke’s theorem (Statements and applications). 8L Total 40 Lectures 1. Advanced Engineering Mathematics 8e by Erwin Kreyszig is published by Wiley India |