Industrial Training

mca Syllabus

Computer Graphics
Code: IT 703 A
Contacts: 3L
Credits: 3
Allotted Hrs: 45L

Introduction to Computer Graphics & Graphics Systems [4L]
Overview of CG, definitions of CG, types of CG, storage tubes displays, CRT technologies – Raster Scan Display, Computer graphics software.

Scan Conversion [6L]
Points & lines, Line drawing algorithms; DDA algorithm, Bresenham’s line algorithm, Circle generation algorithm; Ellipse generating algorithm; scan line polygon, fill algorithm, boundary fill algorithm, flood fill algorithm.

2D Transformation [8L]
Basic transformations: translation, rotation, scaling; Matrix representations & homogeneous coordinates, transformations between coordinate systems; reflection shear; Transformation of points, lines, parallel lines, intersecting lines.

Viewing [4L]
Viewing pipeline, Window to Viewport co-ordinate transformation, clipping operations, point clipping, line clipping, clipping circles, polygons & ellipse.

3D Transformation & Viewing [10L]
3D transformations: translation, rotation, scaling & other transformations. Rotation about an arbitrary axis in space; reflection through an arbitrary plane; general parallel projection transformation; clipping, Viewport clipping, 3D viewing, perspectives & Depth Cueing.

Curves and Fractals [4L]
Curve representation, surfaces, designs, Bezier curves, B-spline curves, end conditions for periodic Bspline curves, rational B-spline curves.

Hidden Surfaces [4L]
Depth comparison, Z-buffer algorithm, Back face detection, BSP tree method, the Printer’s algorithm, scan-line algorithm; Hidden line elimination, wire frame methods, fractal - geometry.

Color & Shading Models [5L]
Introduction, Modeling Light Intensities and Sources, Diffuse Reflection, Lambert’s Cosine Law, Specular Reflection, Halftoning, Color Models - RGB Color, CMY Color.

1. Computer Graphics (C version 2nd Ed.) – Hearn D, Baker M P , Pearson.
2. Computer Graphics –A programming Approach– Harrington,Steven; McGraw Hill
3. Computer Graphics – principles and practice - Foley, Van Dam, Feiner and Huges; Pearson.
4. Computer Graphics (2nd Edition) - Hearn D, Banker M.P.;.PHI
5. Schaum’s outlines Computer Graphics(2nd Ed)- Z. Xiang, R. Plastock; TMH
6. Introduction to Computer Graphics – A. Mukhopadhyaya, A. Chattopadhyay; Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd

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