Industrial Training

mca Syllabus

Environment and Ecology
Code: HU401

Introduction, components of the environment, environmental degradation

Ecology: Elements of Ecology; Ecological balance and consequences of change, principles of environmental impact assessment

Air Pollution and Control: Atmospheric composition, energy balance, climate, weather, dispersion, sources and effects of pollutants, primary and secondary pollutants, green house effect, depletion of ozone layer, standards and control measures.

Water Pollution and Control: Hydrosphere, natural water, pollutants: their origin and effects, river / lake / ground water pollution, standards and control.

Land Pollution: Lithosphere, pollutants (municipal, industrial, commercial, agricultural, hazardous solid wastes); their origin and effects, collection and disposal of solid waste, recovery and conversion methods.

Noise Pollution: Sources, effects, standards and control.

1.Environmental Science, Cunningham,TMH
2. Environmental Science,Wright & Nebel,PHI
2. Fundamentals of Ecology,Dash, TMH
3.Environmental Pollution Control Engineering,C.S.Rao,New Age International
5.Environmental Pollution Analysis,S.N.Khopkar,New Age International
6. Environmental Management, N.K. Oberoi, EXCEL BOOKS
7.Environmental Management, Mukherjee, VIKAS
8.Ecosystem Principles & Sustainable Agriculture, Sithamparanathan, Scitech

Hi I am Pluto.