Industrial Training

mca Syllabus

Operating System Lab
Code: CS 591
Contacts: 3P
Credits: 2

1. Shell programming [6P]: creating a script, making a script executable, shell syntax (variables, conditions, control structures, functions, commands).
2. Process [6P]: starting new process, replacing a process image, duplicating a process image, waiting for a process, zombie process.
3. Signal [9P]: signal handling, sending signals, signal interface, signal sets.
4. Semaphore [6P]: programming with semaphores (use functions semctl, semget, semop, set_semvalue, del_semvalue, semaphore_p, semaphore_v).
5. POSIX Threads [9P]: programming with pthread functions(viz. pthread_create, pthread_join, pthread_exit, pthread_attr_init, pthread_cancel)
6. Inter-process communication [9P]: pipes(use functions pipe, popen, pclose), named pipes(FIFOs, accessing FIFO)

Hi I am Pluto.